
Health plans that match your lifestyle


elevate your health plan



3 Lessons from 2023

April 20, 2023

My 2023 wish for you that I shared in my first newsletter of the year was that together we experience…

…expansive timelessness
…stillness and

How’s that going for you?  

Here’s how it’s going for me.  I’ve discovered the most radical business strategy I’ve ever encountered – taking care of myself first.

OMG, this was not easy for me to do at first. But now I’m doing it – mostly! Not perfectly, but definitely in the right direction.

My 2023 Top 3 Goals so far are:

  1. Set enough time aside for mindfulness
  2. Place “fun for me” blocks into my weekly calendar
  3. Plan “unplanned” time (aka relaxing 😉)


The update: In my first newsletter this year, I mapped out my daily grounding practice, called the 5-4-3-2-1 practice.

This practice helps me zoom out and reengage with my work. This pause allows me to keep realigning with my most important priority – being the greatest advocate for my clients when it comes to their health plans!

I’ve always had a “you-first” mindset, and this grounding practice complements how I work to continue elevating the overall experience I create for my community. 


The Update: To be honest, I have been struggling with getting into a consistent fitness routine. Since I moved away from the Colorado mountains, I don’t get outside and move as much as I used to. It’s been a significant lifestyle adjustment for sure.

For example, when I was in Austin, TX last year, it was too damn hot to go paddle boarding at the end of my work day.  So…I pivoted and started attending an indoor rowing studio.  It was AMAZING, and I discovered how much fun it was to learn a new sport. 

When I came back home to Illinois…no more rowing studio. So…I pivoted again and finally found a gym that had the Concept 2 ERG that I was familiar with and liked using. (An ERG or ergometer, is a machine rowers use to simulate rowing without being on an actual boat.)  And…I downloaded a rowing app to assist with my workout. Phew! To set up that workout became its own type of workout.  

And yet, that wasn’t engaging enough for me by itself.  

I’ve added another layer to my fun – pole dancing and aerial fitness. Last fall, when I attended my first pole dance class in Florida, it was true love at first class! (Know this, I can go on about the wonderfulness of this gymnastic endeavor. Suffice to say, I’m writing all my thoughts, ideas and experiences in a separate collection.)

Since then, I’ve been to classes in Florida, Vermont and here at home in Illinois. Super fun, engaging and hard as #*%^!. It’s the best resistance workout ever. 

So here’s my new and improved routine ~  Rowing: Tuesdays and Thursdays after work. Pole workouts: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. Saturday & Sunday is open for adventures in biking, hiking or paddle boarding and taking yoga or pole dance classes.


The Update: My most recent avoidance was doing “planned unplanned” time, as suggested by my business coach, Athena Simpson . I mean, do nothing? It terrified me.

I fought, and procrastinated, for months.  The night before my “do nothing”, or “planned unplanned”, day, I was “busy” into the wee hours of the night before. Until finally, I gave myself permission to feel the discomfort and do the thing I most did not want to do: stop & feel. 

When I surrendered, my fear and resistance melted (I’m not even sure what all the resistance was about!). In allowing myself to stop and feel my true feelings, it opened me up to something new.  And with my new feelings, I took new action. In this case, I learned what it means and how it feels to relax and just be.

Taking time to plan, breathe and relax are this year’s treasured lessons so far.  These lessons make me better at serving you, helping “elevate” people’s health plans, and running my business. 

I love my at home pole!

“Putting myself first” reminds me of the airplane safety instructions flight attendants give just before lift off.  To put my mask on first, then assist my loved one? This makes me VERY uncomfortable! (I want to help first and then take care of me.)

How do you take the time to care for yourself and your health first? To give focus, care, and attention to your intentions of how you best serve? 

Live Well,
Mary Hunt

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© elevate your health plan 2022-2023 | design by tonic | photos by Anne Sage | PRIVACY | TERMS AND CONDITIONS


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mary hunt

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